For such a time as this — is right place, right time for you…
  • A woman who makes the decision despite her fears to carry her unexpected baby to term and agreeing to participate in our parenting program which comes with a one-on-one mentor relationship.
  • Our donor and supporter giving through your prayers, financial gifts, in-kind gifts, and attendance at events. You are creating a culture of life and helping women and their partners do hard things.
  • RWC staff and volunteers to listen, share information, provide safe medical care, and offer supportive services.

Your Donation Can Change Lives Forever

At Rockville Women’s Center, we believe that most women do not want to have an abortion but feel as though it is their only option. We seek to provide women with information and support in a professional, medical setting to empower them to choose life. If a woman feels support and security, she may be more open to choosing to have her baby.

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